
(3) campaigns available in this category

VentureFit an AI MindMatch network
VentureFit an AI MindMatch network

Imagine finding the perfect co-founder or advisor for your startup in just 30 se...

$0 0.00%
raised of $20,000
by INFINITI Stream No deadline
Revolutionize Lead Gen with Octopaws
Revolutionize Lead Gen with Octopaws

Octopaws is an innovative startup that uses AI technology to qualify leads and b...

$0 0.00%
raised of $15,000
by INFINITI Fund No deadline
MatchUp: Join iForce
MatchUp: Join iForce

Votion is the first release of the iForce community, a platform designed to conn...

$0 0.00%
raised of $15,000
by INFINITI Fund No deadline